Welcome Ashley Anderson!

Our newest paralegal is making us proud with her service as a second lieutenant engineer in the Army Reserves of the Corps of Engineers.

Ashley Anderson in Camouflage Uniform with two men, all in safety gear
Ashley Anderson in Camouflage Uniform with Pink Hard Hat

In January we were happy to welcome our newest paralegal, Ashley Anderson, to the Burnett & Williams family, where she works at both our Midlothian and Hopewell locations. As circumstances would have it, we had to say goodbye to her in March (but, fortunately, just temporarily). Although in usual times such a quick hello-goodbye turnaround would be cause for alarm, the reason for Ashley’s departure was both timely and profound. You see, besides being a legal eagle, Ashley is a second lieutenant engineer in the Army Reserves of the Corps of Engineers. Shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic struck, she received orders dispatching her to Columbus, Ohio, to build hospitals intended to care for those afflicted by the coronavirus. 

Ashley is a graduate of Gardner-Webb University, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (with a focus in Spanish) with two minors, in business and military science. While she was in school she also completed the Reserve Officers Training Corps program (ROTC). 

Ashley Anderson in uniform with diploma

As you can see from her picture, Ashley found a way to don a pink hardhat on the worksite, after sleuthing out the fact that there’s no regulation forbidding it. We expected nothing less from her but to find a loophole in the law! 

Depending on exactly when her mission is completed, Ashley should return home to us in about a month, and we are looking forward to welcoming her back. From all of us at Burnett & Williams: Thank you for serving, Ashley!