As more and more Virginians receive their Covid-19 vaccine shots, the DMV is ramping up the availability of its services.

Virginia is swiftly closing in on an impressive milestone: nearly 70% of residents have already received their first Covid-19 vaccination shot. And the good news — whether you live in Leesburg, Orange, Hopewell, or somewhere in between — is that the more of us who get vaccinated, the more quickly life will start to resemble something close to normal again. Relaxed mask-wearing and social-distancing requirements go hand-in-hand with more folks becoming fully vaccinated, which is something we can all be happy about.
One place this increased opening-up and loosening of restrictions is evident is at Virginia’s Department of Motor Vehicles. The DMV had to eliminate walk-in interactions during the pandemic, and also had to greatly restrict the appointment availability that they did have in order to keep everyone safe and healthy. But now, the DMV has just added 63,000 new appointments to its website for scheduling, the first of 184,000 new appointment opportunities that are being rolled out this summer across the Commonwealth. The DMV has not yet reinstated walk-in service, but the flood of new appointment slots should mean that it will be easy to book the service you need. And as another sign of life returning closer to normal, anyone who is fully vaccinated will not be required to wear a mask when entering the DMV for their appointment.
The way we look at it, the easier it is for Virginians to be able to take care of their vehicles the better!