Peter Burnett with antique tractor

We like to joke in our offices about our “country lawyers” and our “city lawyers” (you can take guesses at who is who).  One of our attorneys is a gourmet chef and avid foodee, while another plays in a bluegrass band.  One speaks fluent french while another can quote batting averages from the Washington Senators.

On a recent fall weekend Don Culkin and Peter Burnett showed their true colors when working to fix the hydraulics on Peter’s 1953 Ford Jubilee tractor.  Peter has used the 34 horsepower tractor on his farm in Loudoun County for over 35 years.  And still he showed up for the repair work in a suit and tie!  We’ve all seen the benefits of Don’s engineering degree in tough product liability cases, but it comes in handy at other times as well.

Here’s to classic craftsmanship and old-fashioned ingenuity!