The Scariest Thing About Halloween

trick or treaters

Are you afraid of the dark?

As children all over Virginia prepare for a fun-filled night of trick-or-treating, we want to remind everyone of the increased risk of pedestrian accidents on Halloween night. Many reports suggest that children are twice as likely to get hit by a car on October 31st than any other day throughout the year. We think the risk also applies to parents, or anyone out walking the streets in the dark as well.

Aside from the obvious advice we can give to wear lighter colored costumes and clothing, here are a few other ideas that could prevent Halloween accidents:

  • Travel in groups.
  • Carry glow sticks.
  • Put reflective tape on costumes and bags.
  • Walk, don’t run.
  • Look both ways before crossing.
  • Bring Flashlights.
  • Stay on the side of the road, sidewalks if possible.
  • If you must drive, go slow.
  • Stay away from alcohol, both as a driver and pedestrian.

Stay safe this Halloween, and remember that coming across zombies, goblins, and ghouls is not the scariest thing that can happen.