The Loudoun County Ampersand Food Pantry Project

Burnett & Williams’ Peter Burnett is stepping up to help those in need and inspiring those around him to do the same! 

Ampersand Food Pantry Box

The Ampersand Pantry Project has been a long-time labor of love for Leesburg attorney Peter Burnett, so it was with much joy that Peter recently installed one of his food pantry boxes on the property of Crossroads Baptist Church, at 850 Edwards Ferry Road NE. The pantry box — which Peter made himself — is meant to be a community resource for neighbors who may find themselves unexpectedly in need of food or other personal essentials like diapers.

Ampersand Food Pantry Box

The principle behind the food pantry box is simple: take what you need and leave what you can. It gives people and families in need a helping hand while giving others a chance to help those in their community. The success of this project relies on food donations and tax-deductible contributions from the community at large. Already many folks have donated or offered in-kind help, including the structure’s copper roof and the tempered glass for the doors, help with the solar lights on the pantry, the printing of a hand-out brochure, and, of course, food and other basic necessities. The local Giant supermarket has also offered to put a basket in the front of the store that would invite customers to drop food to stock the pantry into it on their way out.

All of us at Burnett & Williams are deeply committed to serving the communities we live in, and the Ampersand Pantry Project is just one small way that we can give something back to our neighbors and friends.