Crosswalk Rules for Pedestrians in Virginia

Navigating the streets as a pedestrian in Virginia involves understanding specific laws designed to protect you, especially when you might be at risk of injury from vehicles. While using sidewalks when available and other fundamental rules are straightforward, Virginia’s legal framework offers detailed guidance to ensure pedestrian safety in various situations.

Essential Pedestrian Crosswalk Rules

In Virginia, the law prioritizes pedestrian safety through several clear rules:

  • Sidewalk Use: If a sidewalk is available, pedestrians must use it instead of walking along the roadway. In areas without sidewalks, pedestrians should walk on the far left side, facing oncoming traffic or on the shoulder if it provides safe passage.
  • Right of Way in Crosswalks: Virginia Code 46.2-924 mandates that drivers yield the right-of-way to pedestrians crossing highways at any marked crosswalk or any intersection with prolongation of the sidewalk. This rule applies regardless of whether the crosswalk is at mid-block or at the end of the block, ensuring that pedestrians have the right of way over vehicles making turns.
  • Responsibilities at Intersections: While pedestrians generally have the right of way at intersections, they must not disregard approaching traffic. Pedestrians must also adhere to signals at intersections, respecting the “Walk” and “Don’t Walk” indicators to ensure their safety and the orderly flow of traffic.
  • Using Marked and Unmarked Crosswalks: Often visible through markings or paint, marked crosswalks are supplemented by unmarked ones at intersections where sidewalks meet. Pedestrians are expected to use these crosswalks when crossing streets, and vehicles must yield to them, marked or not. However, pedestrians should not interfere with traffic flow carelessly or maliciously.
  • Safety Precautions: Pedestrians should avoid stepping into highways from between parked cars or other obstructions that may hide them from drivers’ view. Always ensuring visibility to oncoming traffic is crucial, especially when crossing away from designated crosswalks.

Enhanced Safety Through Vigilance

Despite these protective laws, pedestrian safety requires constant vigilance. Never assume that drivers can see you; always ensure you are visible and follow road safety rules diligently. By using sidewalks, adhering to crosswalk regulations, and staying alert at intersections, pedestrians can significantly reduce their risk of accidents.

Legal Support for Pedestrian Accidents

If you find yourself injured as a pedestrian, it’s crucial to seek experienced legal support. In Virginia, laws supporting pedestrian rights are robust, but navigating the aftermath of an accident can be complex. At Burnett & Williams, we specialize in personal injury law, providing comprehensive support and expertise to pedestrians involved in road accidents. Our approach ensures that every client receives personalized and empathetic legal representation to secure the best possible outcome for your case.

If you have any pedestrian accident inquiries or need legal support, don’t hesitate to contact Burnett & Williams. Your safety and legal rights are our top priority.