Motorcycle Injury Attorneys

helmet on the side of the road

Riders and passengers of motorcycles are nearly 28 times more likely to die in a crash. Without the protection of steel, the rider’s body takes the full brunt of the accident and is often ejected from the motorcycle. Survivors of accidents face major injuries and can have prolonged recovery periods. It is not uncommon for the surviving riders and passengers to have permanent injuries including head trauma, spinal cord and neck injuries, significant bone, muscle, and skin damage, facial damage, and post-traumatic stress disorder. These kinds of injuries take time and major medical intervention, resulting in extremely high medical bills, extended time out of work, and lasting trauma from the accident.

Insurance companies have one objective – to limit the size of your claim as quickly as possible. Even when you or your loved one is determined not to be the party at fault, the insurance company may offer you a settlement well below what you deserve, often only covering immediate medical needs and property loss. While that may seem initially attractive, without legal representation, you may find that the settlement is not adequate to cover the medical expenses of a long-term or permanent injury, lost wages, and the long-lasting impact of the motorcycle crash on you or your loved one.

The last thing you or a loved one needs after a motorcycle accident is spending time struggling with insurance companies.

How Can a Motorcycle Injury Attorney Help My Case?

Whether you have been injured or you have lost a loved one in a motorcycle crash, finding a trusted lawyer is essential. Your attorney will fight for you so you can focus on healing and getting your life back on track. The sooner you reach out after a motorcycle accident, the better. In fact, having an attorney in mind before an accident is a smart way to be proactive.

After a motorcycle accident, contact a lawyer as soon as the immediate danger has been taken care of so they can get started right away on helping your case.

  • The motorcycle accident lawyer will advise you about any statements you make. Good-natured comments and apologies can be misconstrued as an admission of fault. Knowing what to say and what not to say is important for your case.
  • During your initial consultation, your attorney will determine the merits of your case and work with you on a strategy to maximize compensation. Because of extensive experience representing other motorcycle crash victims, they will have insights how to effectively compensate you for your injuries, property loss, medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
  • Should you be filing a claim on behalf of a deceased loved one, your motorcycle accident lawyer will work with you to prepare a wrongful death lawsuit. Wrongful death lawsuits are complex and require legal expertise.
  • Your lawyer and their team of professionals will take care of all paperwork and details.
  • Your attorney will participate in a thorough investigation and secure expert witnesses if needed. They will assess all parties for potential liability including other drivers, manufacturers in the case of equipment failures, construction companies who may have introduced hazardous conditions, and other potential parties. They will push back on attempts to unfairly assign you or your loved one as responsible for the accident as the negligent party.
  • They will be able to secure expert witnesses to support your motorcycle accident case.
  • An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer will be familiar with the laws, regulations, and insurance limits in your area.
  • They will negotiate with all parties and insurance companies on your behalf with the intent of securing the compensation to which you are entitled.
  • If necessary, your motorcycle accident attorney will file a lawsuit and represent should your case need to go to trial.

Contact Us Today

Burnett & Williams is one of Virginia’s oldest and most recognized personal injury law firms. We have experience with motorcycle accidents and have a proven track record in securing settlements that cover all your losses, including wrongful death. Our motorcycle injury attorneys will fight tirelessly on your behalf to get you the settlement you need and deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.