Loudoun County Board of Supervisors Presents Resolution of Commendation to Peter Burnett

On June 2, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors awarded Peter Burnett a Resolution of Commendation for his leadership and service on the Courthouse Grounds and Facilities Task Force. Peter was instrumental in the development of a Master Landscape plan for the grounds as well as policies that will protect the grounds from the haphazard placement of monuments and vegetation, preserve the archaeological integrity of the site, and promote fair and orderly use of the grounds by the public.

In addition, the Task force started the process of developing a forward looking consolidated maintenance program that will anticipate preservation and maintenance needs and secure funding for them in a timely fashion.

Loudoun County developed the Courthouse Grounds and Facility Task Force to provide a long-term and unified vision for the court complex grounds; to address ideas regarding ways to make the facility and grounds unique to Loudoun County and to suggest a process for ongoing decision making as new suggestions are brought forward by the community.