Decrease in Teenage Drinking and Driving Rates

Here’s some good news for a change! Between 1991 and 2011, the percentage of teenagers who drove when they had been drinking alcohol decreased by 54 percent, according to a recent study.

The Centers for Disease Control analyzed data from the 1991-2011 national Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. The national survey asked high school students if they had driven a vehicle when they had been drinking alcohol one or more times during the 30 days before the survey.

The study also revealed that teens were responsible for approximately 2.4 million episodes of drinking and driving a month in 2011.

Safe driving habits for teens include never drinking and driving, following graduated driver licensing systems, and wearing a seat belt on every trip.

Parents play a crucial role in keeping their teens safe on the road. They can model safe driving behavior and set and enforce rules of the road by completing a parent-teen driving agreement with their teens.