Burnett & Williams Sponsors Diversity Conference

Burnett & Williams was a lead sponsor of the Diversity Conference Annual Meeting and Forum held last month in Virginia Beach. The forum was entitled Diversity and the Rule of Law: Complementary or Contradictory?

The goal of the forum was to bring together an outstanding panel representing divergent viewpoints on a topic that is dividing the country and our courts. This panel of national legal and educational experts challenged audience members to re-examine their own views on diversity and the rule of law.

The conference was jointly sponsored by the Virginia State Bar Diversity Conference and the Virginia Women Attorneys Association. U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Barbara Keenan moderated the forum.

Peter Burnett is the Immediate Past President of the Board of Governors of the Diversity Conference. He is also a Co-Chair of the Funding and Show Case/Annual Meeting committees.

The Virginia State Bar established the Diversity Conference in 2010 with the approval of the Supreme Court of Virginia. The Conference provides a unique opportunity for those in the legal profession to assist in meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse population. Its mission includes fostering and encouraging diversity in admission to the bar, professional advancement, and diversity in the judiciary.