How to Choose a Bike Accident Attorney

A bike accident attorney can offer crucial support when the unthinkable happens. Riding bikes for recreation and transportation is excellent for your health and the environment, and many cyclists enjoy the benefits of riding bikes for commuting and leisure. During the COVID pandemic, the number of cyclists surged to unprecedented levels. From an accident perspective, however, the risks of bike riding remain high.

Navigating the road with motor vehicles is dangerous, especially in urban areas. According to the CDC, car and truck accidents injure thousands of bicyclists yearly. Of that number, nearly 1000 people die. Drivers often don’t do a good job of seeing cyclists and estimating their speed. The top reasons for accidents include hurrying to overtake a cyclist, underestimating their speed, failing to yield on turns, or simply not seeing the cyclist. If the driver was negligent and you were injured, you may be able to pursue compensation through a personal injury claim.

Cyclists also share the responsibility for many of the accidents. Bicycles must follow the same rules of the road as motor vehicles, including signaling, staying in their lane, stopping, yielding to traffic that has the right of way, and of course, not operating under the influence of drugs and alcohol. 

When cyclists weave in and out of traffic and transition to and from sidewalks to avoid lights and stop signs, they risk their lives. When an accident occurs between cyclists and motor vehicles, the cyclist is more likely to suffer severe injuries and death. Common injuries include head trauma, internal organ injuries from blunt force, spinal injuries, broken bones, lacerations, and loss of life.

Recovery time can be slow when the body takes the full brunt of a motor vehicle collision. Lengthy hospitalizations and extended time away from work can turn an afternoon ride into an ordeal that impacts the rider’s and their family’s long-term prospects. If you have been in an accident with a motorist, it is critical to determine if you are eligible for compensation for your injuries.

If you can, you should report the accident to the police and get the contact details for the driver and any potential witnesses at the scene. Videos and photos are also helpful. Make sure to seek medical attention as soon as possible and follow the directions of the treatment team.

Starting a Bicycle Accident Personal Injury Claim 

Because you sustained an injury in the accident, you may be able to recover economic and noneconomic damages. Economic damages include expenses and loss of income, while noneconomic damages, such as pain and suffering, are harder to quantify.

To start a bicycle accident personal injury claim, you should contact a personal injury lawyer with experience in bicycle and motor vehicle accidents. Look for a personal injury lawyer who will be available and responsive to your needs throughout the process and will keep you informed.

When you meet with a personal injury lawyer, providing as much information as possible is essential. You will share the accident details, witness information, police reports, medical bills, lost wage documentation, insurance information, and photos.

You will work with the lawyer to identify the party or parties at fault. These parties could include yourself, the driver of the vehicle, the bike manufacturer, and government entities responsible for the roads’ condition.

You and your lawyer will review the case, exploring factors that could impact your claim. These include party or parties at fault, coverage from insurance, the extent of your injuries, and financial loss. They will assess your case, answer your questions, and determine the best approach for securing a settlement that will help get your life back on track.

Contact Us Today

Burnett & Williams is one of Virginia’s oldest and most recognized personal injury law firms. Our team of award-winning attorneys has expertise in every aspect of personal injury law. In every case, we bring decades of experience to the table. Contact us today for a free consultation.