Apple Workplace Injuries

glass building

An unusual workplace injury made the news this week with reports of injuries at the new Apple Computers headquarters. Employees are literally walking into glass walls at Apple’s new state-of-the-art campus in Cupertino, CA. Steve Jobs once called the project “a shot at the best office building in the world,” but this donut-shaped glass building is becoming something of a joke after 3 different incidents required 911 calls. Despite all of the high tech planning, it seems that the decision to leave many of the glass walls unmarked has caused some serious injuries for employees who have walked right into them.

Many workplace accidents involve transportation, which isn’t a surprise considering the rise of distracted driving. Distraction at work is also a common cause of injury. But the employees at Apple who may have been walking and texting aren’t entirely at fault. California has a law that requires markings on glass doors and walls to help the clear glass be visible. This is why you may see decorative logos, decals, and markings etched into the glass doors and walls. Virginia localities often choose to adopt provisions of uniform codes, such as the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. This code is often enforced locally with specific adaptations, like these in Henrico County. 

Workplace injuries can happen anywhere, so stay vigilant, and always be alert to your surroundings. If you are ever seriously injured on the job in Virginia, our lawyers at Burnett & Williams are here to help. Call any time for a free case evaluation. In Richmond and the Tri-Cities area: 804-458-7070.  In Fairfax County, Loudoun County, Frederick County, the City of Winchester, and Clarke County: 703-777-1650.